The hash tag #PLH has been trending recently on our social network feeds, it has left many with lingering questions on what it means or signify and also the brains behind it.
For those of us still wondering, the full meaning of #PLH has been revealed to be "Phat, Lyrical and Humorous.
It invovles the collective musical and comic prowess of Kaduna finest artistes, talking of Phatboi Sham'ah, Menxee and Kapt Sylva Dee as Phat, Lyrical and Humorous respectively.
To begin their journey as a group, they are getting set to release their Ep titled "Phat, Lyrical and Humorous with release date soon to be revealed
Follow the links below to connect with them on their handles
Twitter- @phatlyricalnH
Instagram- @phat_lyrical_humorous
